Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Happy Valentines Day

Making 5

Today we used the iPads to make and record 5. We used the pic collage app to document our learning 

P is for pirates

We had a very busy morning creating a pirate ship and island for our treasure. We made maps, walkie talkies and plans. We even wrote a story about it!


We showed our coaches how we could kick, splash, float and even put our head under!

P is for popcorn!

We used a popcorn maker and our 5 senses: smelling, tasting, touching, looking and hearing to write a story about popcorn. 

Off to tally cars

For our statistics unit we needed data. So off to the garden we went to tally the colour of cars going past! We used the iPad to track and keep count using tally charts.

Pick box reading

After morning tea we read from our fluency boxes. We practise pointing and reading in a talking voice!


Our sound this week is P!

We made paper planes and wrote about how the flew and spun and dived in the sky!

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

t words

We drew pictures of t words that had the t sound at the beginning and at the end of a word! Aren't we clever?!!!